Open Letter from ZAPU President to the People of Zimbabwe
Dear Fellow Zimbabweans,
I trust you had a restful festive season with your families. As we record the first fortnight of 2025, allow me to extend my warm wishes for a year filled with hope, prosperity, and opportunities for all, not just for a select few. Sadly, as we reflect on the year behind us, we are reminded of the continued challenges that have plagued our nation. Last year mirrored the years before, marked by rampant plunder and corruption by those in power, with a culture of impunity that remains unchecked. Our public health infrastructure has crumbled, leaving hope only for a privileged few with enough wealth to access quality healthcare abroad.
Similarly, quality education, which should be a fundamental right for all, has become a privilege for an elite minority. The paradox of Zimbabwe as a nation endowed with abundant resources is painfully exposed by her failure to meet the basic needs of her people. The world watches in shock as our rich country extends a begging bowl for international aid while our elitist state actors bask in obscene opulence. This stark reality compels us to acknowledge that the current situation is unsustainable. It is time for us to rise as a united people to confront these injustices and build a better Zimbabwe.
The Zimbabwe African People’s Union (ZAPU) has always stood as a beacon of hope and resilience. ZAPU led the masses in the fight against colonial oppression and white supremacy, a struggle rooted in the ideals of justice, equality, and freedom. Tragically, a splinter group hijacked power and betrayed the ethos of our struggle. The oppressive hand of the colonizer has merely been replaced by a black oppressor. The fact that we have witnessed sustained online debates, with people drawing comparisons between the Rhodesian and ZANU PF regimes, is an indictment on the pseudo-revolutionaries in power today. Their slogans espousing patriotism are nothing but political posturing and a smokescreen for their one-party state agenda.
ZAPU continues to hold as sacrosanct, the ideals of independence anchored on genuine freedom and personal liberty. At the height of the Gukurahundi Genocide (1983-1987), it was mainly our respect for the sanctity of life that forced us into a temporary alliance with a rogue regime. Regardless of the proximity imposed upon our deployed cadres, we maintained our core beliefs and refused to be tainted. Since our 2008 withdrawal from the fraudulent Unity Accord of 1987, we have remained steadfast in our commitment to the ideals of our liberation struggle, advocating for devolution of power and proportional representation. We believe that democracy means majority rule that respects minority rights. Unfortunately, the political will to implement these transformative policies has been woefully absent, as evidenced by the meager allocation of less than 5% of devolution funds to provinces.
At this critical political juncture, I call upon all Zimbabweans who believe in social justice, freedom of expression, and human rights to join hands with us. Let us unite to build a society where equality under the law is not just a principle but a lived reality. Together, we can rekindle the spirit of the first freedom fighters who envisioned a Zimbabwe where every citizen would have equal rights and equitable access to opportunities. Those who grabbed power by devious means have disappointed the masses after being given the people’s trust through votes. Our politics should not be the politics of abductions, torture, and violence. Politics should be the battle of ideas. We should burn the midnight oil discussing what is to be done, not burn each other's houses. We advocate for peaceful engagements at all levels of Zimbabwean society.
Furthermore, as Pan-Africans we are deeply concerned about the terrible scenes of strife and political turmoil in Mozambique. We call on SADC to urgently craft a comprehensive strategy to restore peace and progress for the people of Mozambique. We also welcome the new administration in Botswana and wish them well, reiterating our belief that a principled and united SADC is essential for regional progress and stability. As global citizens we are equally disturbed by the wars happening internationally. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict remains a pressing issue, with the Palestinian civilian death toll approaching a staggering 50,000. We firmly believe in the necessity of a Two-State solution, which would pave the way for lasting peace in the Middle East. The prolonged Russia-Ukraine conflict has also taken a devastating toll on civilian casualties, and we urge the international community to pursue dialogue and diplomacy as a pathway to sustainable world peace.
Nonetheless, our own economic collapse and its attendant humanitarian crisis resemble a virtual warzone. It is disheartening to witness some who don the colors of opposition working to extend the term of the current administration, shredding Zimbabwe’s constitution and betraying the people’s aspirations. Matthew 7 verse 16 reminds us: "By their deeds, you will know them." We strongly condemn all ‘opposition’ enablers of the ZANU PF 2030 agenda. Betrayal of this magnitude is unforgivable. The constitution of our nation is not a list of suggestions but a sacred covenant with the people. Decolonization champion, Frantz Fanon, once said, "Each generation must, out of relative obscurity, discover its mission, fulfill it, or betray it."
Today, our generation’s mission is clear: to deconstruct the oppressive political and economic structures entrenched by the ruling elites. Their spoils-centered system thrives on patronage and clientelism, suffocating the dreams and potential of ordinary Zimbabweans. The question before us is profound: Will we fulfill our mission of rebuilding Zimbabwe as an inclusive state where every citizen takes pride in their identity? Or, will we falter and betray this sacred mission? What will it take for us to demand accountability from elected officials flaunting their ill-gotten wealth when hardworking citizens continue to wallow in abject poverty? All it takes is a brief moment of introspection to arrive at honest answers to these pertinent questions.
As ZAPU, we have chosen our path. We are returning to the grassroots, engaging directly with the masses. We are building a mass movement, reconnecting with communities, and fostering national dialogue. Our cadres will provide guidance in town hall and village meetings alike. We will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with workers, advocating for their rights within trade unions. In every tertiary institution, our Youth Front will actively participate in student representative councils to champion the rights and aspirations of students. The public sphere belongs to the people and cannot be monopolized by the ruling elites. Ironically, it is those who once paid lip service to the mantra that “the voice of the people is the voice of God”, now actively working to stifle any dissenting voice.
We call upon all those who share our views — individuals, progressive political parties and civil society organizations — to join us in our call for a united front against the oppressive and corrupt ZANU PF regime. Only when we are united, led by a people-driven ZAPU, can we build the Zimbabwe we want. The journey ahead will not be easy, but it is one we must undertake with determination and unity. We are at a crossroads in our nation’s history, where our collective action — or inaction — will determine the destiny of Zimbabwe. Now is the time for courageous leadership, for bold ideas, and for unwavering commitment to the ideals that have always defined ZAPU.
It is time for ZAPU to lead once again with elected representatives who will not be recklessly recalled at the behest of a captured opposition. The will of the people through elections must never be reversed by a compromised cabal serving as an appendage of the ruling elites. Together, we can chart a new course for Zimbabwe — one rooted in justice, equity, and opportunity for all. The journey ahead requires courage, resilience, and unity. Let us rise to the challenge and fulfill the promise of our great nation.
Yours in the struggle,
Michael Sibangilizwe Nkomo