"We share the view of the Election Observation Missions’ preliminary statements that the pre-election environment and election day fell short of regional and international standards. Issues included limited transparency from the electoral commission, the lack of level playing field, the passing of repressive legislation, long delays in the opening of some polling stations, and reports of intimidation of voters."
UPDATE December: Of late, the captured Judiciary and the illegal recalls have led to the complete disenfranchisement of the Zimbabwean voters - a ludicrous situation!
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- Written by: Lulu Brenda Harris, CITE ZW News
- Category: 2023 Election Rigging
- Hits: 181
Opposition outraged as CCC pushes for postponement of 2028 polls
The opposition has reacted with shock and disappointment following reports that the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), which holds seats in Parliament, is endorsing President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s controversial bid for a third term by supporting a postponement of the 2028 elections to 2030, effectively overriding Zimbabwe’s constitutional provisions.
Reports indicate that CCC Chief Whip Charles Moyo expressed support for Zanu PF’s resolution to defer elections, arguing it would allow for the implementation of the National Development Strategy 2 (NDS2) under Mnangagwa’s administration, which is expected to launch in November. He also suggested that the CCC was advocating for dialogue with Zanu PF to solidify this plan. Adding to the controversy, CCC interim secretary general Sengezo Tshabangu reportedly claimed during a family funeral in Ntabazinduna that his party had reached an agreement with Zanu PF to establish a Government of National Unity (GNU) by 2025.
Tshabangu justified the GNU as a necessary step to address Zimbabwe’s economic challenges. These revelations have drawn widespread condemnation from other opposition parties, including a faction of the CCC, who view these actions by Tshabangu’s CCC as a betrayal of democratic principles. The MDC, led by Douglas Mwonzora, firmly rejected any attempts to extend Mnangagwa’s term.
“It is with a heavy heart that the opposition CCC in Parliament has swallowed hook, line, and sinker the 2030 Zanu PF mantra,” said MDC Presidential Spokesperson Lloyd Damba.
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- Written by: John Burke
- Category: 2023 Election Rigging
- Hits: 300
Extract from Pages 23-24 of; Commonwealth Final Report on 23rd Aug 2023 Elections
Zimbabwe Harmonised Elections 23 August 2023 FINAL REPORT {CLICK HERE FOR A COPY}
Published NOTE: the ZEC website has an expired security certificate {not renewed or paid for??}
Diaspora voting
Section 35(1) of the Constitution provides that persons are Zimbabwean citizens by birth, descent or registration. By Section 35(2), all Zimbabwean citizens are equally entitled to the rights, privileges and benefits of citizenship. By Section 67, every Zimbabwean citizen has the right to make political choices freely; by Section 67(3), every Zimbabwean citizen over the age of 18 years has the right to vote in all elections and to stand for election for public office and, if elected, to hold that office. By Section 86(2), those fundamental rights conferred by Section 67 may be limited only in terms of a law of general application and to the extent that the limitation is fair, reasonable, necessary and justifiable in a democratic society, and by a consideration of whether there are less restrictive means of achieving the purposes of that limitation.
By Section 155 of the Constitution, elections must be held regularly; be peaceful, free and fair; be conducted by secret ballot; be based on universal adult suffrage and equality of votes; and be free from violence and other electoral malpractices. By Section 155(2), the state must take all appropriate measures, including legislative measures, to ensure that effect is given to the principles set out in Subsection 1 and in particular must ‘ensure that all eligible citizens, that is to say the citizens qualified under the Fourth Schedule, are registered as voters’ and to ‘that every citizen who is eligible to vote in an election has an opportunity to cast a vote’.
Sections 92(4) and 125 of the Constitution provide that the qualifications for registration as a voter for the office of President or for the National Assembly (as the case may be) are those set out in the Fourth Schedule. The Fourth Schedule provides that, subject to disqualifications that may be prescribed by the Electoral Act, a person is qualified to be registered as a voter on the voters’ roll of a constituency if he or she is of or over the age of 18 years and is a Zimbabwean citizen. It further provides that the Electoral Act may prescribe additional residential requirements ‘to ensure that voters are registered on the most appropriate voters’ roll’ but that any such requirements must be consistent with the Constitution, particularly Section 67. By Clause 2 of the Fourth Schedule, certain categories of persons are disqualified to be registered as voters, being the mentally disordered or intellectually handicapped, persons incapable of managing their affairs as declared by an order of a Court or persons convicted of an offence under the Electoral Act and declared by the High Court to be disqualified for registration as a voter.
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- Written by: Ndabezitha KaLanga
- Category: 2023 Election Rigging
- Hits: 1845
The ZAPU Europe Chairman, Duke Maplanka, met with John Burke, founder of the Zimbabwe Human Rights Organisation {ZHRO} to deliberate on the Petition and demonstration scheduled for this Wednesday 13th December 2023. See Flyer - click the image to enlarge the flyer {in a new window}.
The petition that will be delivered by a delegation of 6 people, including Chief Felix Ndiweni, Duke Maplanka, John Burke, Model and Basil from CCC, Michelle from ROHR and Tafadzwa, to The South African High Commission, then onto Number 10 Downing Street for the 2:00 entry through the secure gates to Downing Street, then round the corner to the FCDO.
This petition challenges the position of the UK Government; which seems to be 'ignoring' the Human Right records & anti-democratic activities of the successive Zanu PF regimes.
To associate and normalise relations with known Human Right violators is an insult to the victims of a genocidal & autocratic Zanu PF regime.
The electoral irregularities that are blatant are an indication just how decrepit & abominable ZEC are. The people of Zimbabwe deserve a constitutionally compliant administration that seeks peace, transparency and adherence to domestic and international law. The incarceration and killing of opposition politicians must stop!
Petition hand over went very well today over 45 Zimbabweans from all over the UK attended. We have the FLICKR PHOTO LOG here to view the 180 photos and videos. We have also written an article on a sister website regarding the day - CLICK HERE to read - in addition the PETITION can be READ or DOWNLOADED here too!
We will write up the experience of the day late Wednesday evening, and John and ZHRO will produce a Photo-log of the day on their Flickr website - arranged by events by date.
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- Written by: ZAPU EU
- Category: 2023 Election Rigging
- Hits: 893
Update: 17th November 2023:
EU Full Election Report and separate Executive summary - available to view and download. Plus additional commentaries from other writers in no particular order. We have added additional emphasis to certain items but that is all - read the election horror stories for yourself. A "government of Occupation" is not a Legitimate Government of Zimbabwe - the {long suffering} Electorate have been completely disenfranchised {of their vote}. Also read Brighton Mutebuka's Twitter/'X' commentaries - reproduced here with a little additional emphasis.
Matters are now coming to a crisis point. The SADC Mission Final Report is out, with many "recommendations" - but Zanu PF are deaf, dumb and blind to such matters. One only has to endure the crass toadying of the {ex- mental health nurse} - Nasty {mouth} Nick 'Mangwano' - to see how the faithful acolytes {and paid apologists} of the party propaganda machine behave in the face of blatant illegalities.
It is however, a combined problem related to the {debased} Constitution {and its amendments}, The Electoral Acts { as gerrymandered by Zanu PF illegal MP's, Illegal Ministers, and the Illegal 'President' {self} elected Ed Mnangagwa} - Psychopath-in-Chief - there can be no other descriptor! Gukurahundi, the looting of the Congo, and fired {quite correctly} by Mugabe - ""Robert Mugabe has fired his vice president, Emmerson Mnangagwa, for showing traits of "disloyalty, disrespect and deceitfulness".""
So let us focus on the conclusions of SADC and look at the following items for a 'way out' of this Zanu PF {power crazed lunatics} by reviewing the following {thank you to VERITAS ZIM NET}
- The Constitution {or what is left of it}
- The {constantly amended} Electoral Acts
- The Financial incentives paid to the Judiciary proir to August 2023
- The overtly Partisan ZEC {and their Zanu PF puppet chair}
- and the SADC Final Report itself
Now better scholars than I need to sift through these laws, constitution, etc and to develop a plan - a strategy to remove Zanu PF from its INFESTATION of the 'governmental activities' within Zimbabwe. Zanu PF is a Mafia, a cancer upon the Republic of Zimbabwe. As a Republic they are the main problem. They are a 'Criminal Enterprise' masquerading as a political party. Supported by all the corrupted organs of government - from the bent police, to the Army Generals and the enriched {to the tune of $500,000 "soft loans"} senior Judiciary!
"The authorities have weaponized the criminal justice system against the ruling party’s political opponents. CCC politicians have been held in prolonged pre-trial detention or convicted on baseless, seemingly politically motivated charges." Human Rights Watch August 2023 - "Crush them like Lice" Ed M's rant and psychosis screams out to his minions.
"Crucial for addressing electoral rights is an independent and impartial national election commission. However, there are serious concerns about the independence, composition, and conduct of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC). Past elections were widely perceived as problematic largely because the ZEC has been closely aligned with the interests of the ruling party. The management of the ZEC secretariat remains in the hands of people widely believed to be ZANU-PF sympathizers. These individuals, many of whom have ties to the country’s military, police, and intelligence services, supervised previous deeply flawed electoral processes." From the same report by Human Rights Watch as above.
"Altogether deliberate and targeted Electoral Commission ‘ineptitude’ – illegalities and technicalities, plus bribes and threats of violence – marked the election. These abuses were called out by observers, notably those of the Southern African Development Community led by former Zambian Vice President, Dr Nevers Mumba, who came under sustained abuse for his findings and critical judgement that the election had not been free and fair." One of the excellent concluding paragraphs by Stephen Chan in the African Arguments Organisation.
- Details
- Written by: Duke Maplanka
- Category: 2023 Election Rigging
- Hits: 908