Liberation Context and Evolution
Zimbabwe African People's Union (ZAPU) was at the forefront and actively participated in the liberation of our country, Zimbabwe, leading to the 1980 political independence. Shortly after our hard-earned independence a military operation codenamed Gukurahundi was launched via the Korean-trained Fifth Brigade, unleashed by the ZANU-led government of the day, ostensibly to eliminate armed dissidents purportedly working to topple the newly inaugurated government. From January 1982 to December 1987 over 40,000 unarmed civilians were wantonly massacred by the Fifth Brigade with collaboration of other security departments both official and unofficial.
The Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP) [and the International Association of Genocide Scholars] estimated that over 20,000 people lost their lives, but their figure was conservative as it covered one district in Matabeleland North (Tsholotsho) and another in Matabeleland South (Matobo). Midlands Province as a whole was not considered. By all definitions, a genocide was committed by the ZANU-led government of Zimbabwe using primarily the Fifth Brigade which was directly answerable to the then Prime Minister, Robert Gabriel Mugabe, and no one else. The Fifth Brigade was created solely for Gukurahundi and disbanded with the signing of the Unity Accord on 22 December, 1987. Members of the Fifth Brigade were integrated into regular army units with many of them posing as gallant veterans of the liberation struggle, promoted and decorated by their Commander-in-Chief.
Under the five-year Gukurahundi quasi-military operation, thousands of innocent people lost their lives; thousands of women were raped and some pregnant ones had their wombs ripped open using bayonets because they were said to be carrying dissidents; thousands of people were buried alive and others were thrown dead or alive into disused mines shafts such as the former Antelope Gold Mine at Bhalagwe in Mapisa under Matobo district; livestock were senselessly killed and stocks decimated; some people were tortured and maimed; homesteads and property were destroyed, food was denied to the affected region leading prevalent malnutrition; school children were denied education; people were displaced; some were forcefully abducted and disappeared; to this day, thousands more remain unaccounted for. For the five years of the operation all economic and developmental activities ceased in the affected areas.
ZAPU desires that the Gukurahundi saga should be resolved and put behind us collectively as a nation once and for posterity. This is a political issue and people want answers as to why Gukurahundi happened. People want to know why they were hunted like rabid wild animals and treated the way they were in a country for which they had fought so hard and sacrificed to liberate. The onus rests squarely at the doors of the Zimbabwe central government {the occupation of Parliament in name only} and responsibility in resolving Gukurahundi grievances cannot be delegated or relegated to the local Chiefs.
ZAPU is very alive to the fact that the "government" of Zimbabwe is effectively buying time; is dishonest and not serious about finding closure to this festering wound caused by Gukurahundi. What happened to ZAPU, its leaders, members, supporters, followers and sympathisers in the wake and aftermath of Gukurahundi should not be allowed to happen again to anyone or any organization in Zimbabwe now or in the future. ZAPU therefore states the following:
- We demand an apology from the perpetrator.
- Acknowledgement and truth telling about crimes that were committed.
- Perpetrators must come face to face with victims and survivors.
- There must be a legal framework including legal guarantees of safety for victims and survivors after giving testimonials.
- The process must be victim-centred.
- The process must be presided over by an independent commission.
- The government of Zimbabwe as the principal perpetrator should not shy away from engaging ZAPU as the primary victim.
- The fourth estate (media) must not be hindered or directed on how to cover proceedings.
- Posthumous responsibility for dead perpetrators like the late Robert Gabriel Mugabe (1924-2019) and Perence Shiri (1955-2020) must be considered.
- Return and restoration of ZAPU and ZPRA properties confiscated during Gukurahundi must be part of the settlement.
- We demand restorative and transitional justice.
It is my sincere belief that as our Provincial Chairpersons, you will communicate effectively with all comrades in your respective jurisdictions so that as ZAPU members we all sing the same song. While you disperse and market our official position, always bear in mind that this is a very delicate matter to be handled carefully.
Michael Sibangilizwe Nkomo, ZAPU President